Notranje oblikovanje
Projekt je delan…..
Robert K.
Predsoba vsebuje z leve strani Panelno dekorativno steno z led indirektno svetlobo, kljuke za obešalnike ter dekorativno tapeto wall&deco. Z desne strani je na steno pritrjeno ogledalo.
We propose creating a multifunctional space where you can make a choice: either to retire or be together with everybody. The space, clear of all unnecessary items, will take you to another dimension and help you to get tuned to a calm repose. Lot’s of light and air.
In the center of the room there is a functional zoning volume, a white cube, dividing the entire living room into 5 zones: active pastime area, TV area, dressing area, secluded relaxation area and the central area – relaxation area, located inside the white volume.